Capitol Cherry Blossoms

Family Life, Personal

I’ve never been in D.C. when the cherry blossoms are in bloom before, and I knew it was something I wanted to see this year! Cecilia and I decided to spend the day in D.C. this past Saturday and it was a glorious day. Sure it was extremely crowded, but the weather was perfect and we still had a blast.

We started our day out at the Botanical Gardens next to the Capitol building before walking down the National Mall all the way past the Monument to the Cherry Blossoms.


  1. Emily Ruth says:

    I love these shots! They are so gorgeous and colorful.

  2. Mary Kate says:

    Thank you! 🙂

  3. The cherry blossoms are magnificent!

  4. Wow. These are absolutely incredibly STUNNING!!! Are you selling prints? 🙂

  5. Oh my goodness. Can your style get any more dreamy? LOVE.

  6. Mary Kate says:

    Thank you! I'm not at the moment, but I am considering it in the future! 🙂

  7. Mary Kate says:

    They are one of my favorite parts of spring 🙂

  8. Mary Kate says:

    Thank you! I'm so happy to finally be at a place where I can define "my style". (It's taken a long time) 🙂

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