Pinterest Favorites

Family Life, Personal

Hey friends! I’ve been home for a little over a week now and it’s oh so good to be back home.

Some of you may know that I have a slight pinterest addiction. But at least I actually try to do a lot of the tutorials, recipes, and tips that I pin.

One of the things I love to do at home is whip up delicious treats in the kitchen and pinterest has been a huge help in finding new exciting recipes.  A few days ago I finally used my ice cream maker that my parents gave me for my birthday (over six months ago).  Homemade ice cream is out-of-this-world amazing. I followed these two ice cream recipes (mint chocolate chip and classic vanilla) and they each turned out perfect.

And tonight I made Earl Grey Cupcapkes. They are moist and sweet with a perfect hint of earl grey tea. And I topped them with an easy vanilla buttercream frosting. Delish. 🙂

Certain family members tell me the only reason I bake is so I can photograph the results…this is not completely true. 😉

Although I tend to bake a lot more than I cook, I have enjoyed trying some pinterest recipes for dinner as well. The other night I made Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken for dinner and everyone loved it. And I haven’t made this recently, but one of my favorite side dish to make are parmesan french fries.

So there you go, a few of my favorite pinterest recipe finds. 🙂

-Mary Kate


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