{A call to LEAD}
Preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words.
St. Francis of Assisi

In my last post I mentioned that I had had the opportunity to go on three incredible retreats this summer. The most amazing by far, was a week long retreat called, LEAD, in Steubenville, Ohio at the college I’l be attending starting next year.
L. E. A. D.
Leadership. Evangelization And. Discipleship.
What drew me to LEAD was the fact that it was 100% focused on strengthening your personal relationship with Christ so that we become so deeply rooted in Christ that the world must first find Christ in order to find us.
But we can’t do this on our own. We must rely on the strength and grace of God through a strong, steady daily prayer life and (for the Catholics), frequent reception of the Sacraments.
And God wants us to have a strong spiritual community to turn to, filled with people who will pray for you, uphold you and encourage you. One of the biggest blessings of the internet and technology is the fact that you can be a part of a rich spiritual community filled with with people spread across the corners of the Earth.
I know I want to be a beacon in the perpetual dark of night this world revolves in.
Do you?
That's really awesome. I'm so glad you got to attend that. I'm sure it was really good! Thank you for sharing cause I wanna be a beacon of light too!
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