A Fresh Start


Despite being out of school and not yet having an “official” job (besides my photography), I’ve somehow managed to be incredibly busy these past few months. I’ve been meaning to get back into the swing of blogging for awhile, but I just never seemed to have time to sit down and write. That is, until I found these awesome free printables that gave me the motivational push I needed. And for the first time since entering the blogging world 5 years ago, I’m making a blog schedule and I *will* stick to it. (Well, hopefully).

My plan is to blog at least three times a week, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. I used to blog when I had pictures to show, stories to tell, or tutorials to share; basically I blogged when I felt like it and my posts were kind of…well fluffy.

Maybe it’s because of the {three} incredible, life changing retreats I was blessed to attend this summer that have given me a new perspective, maybe it’s reading fewer “photography” blogs and more “faith-centered” blogs, maybe it’s a strong desire to live more meaningfully, to write with more depth, to inspire, encourage and enlighten instead of just writing about my life.

In all honesty, it’s probably an accumulation of all the above, with some definite inspiration from the one line in Hawk Nelson’s song “Words” that says “…I don’t want to say a word, unless it points the world back to You”, that has given me a new vision and dream for this little corner of the internet I call mine.

I debated for awhile on a new blog title and finally settled on “hello world”, which seemed fitting for the new focus I have for this blog, combined with the fact that I just graduated high school and am stepping out into the adult world that awaits. And so this little blog of mine is growing and changing and maturing along with me and will be the place where I share what I learn and discover, and what I ponder and what I treasure.

And I would love if you decided to come along with me on this great adventure called life.

-mary kate
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  2. Shannon says:

    A simply lovely blog… I can totally relate in how blogging goes… sometimes that wisp of inspiration seems to never come. But when it does, excitement and joy can overflow! I simply love your blog design, and shall enjoy getting to know you more through your sweet words and beautiful photos.

  3. Mary Maleta says:

    So refreshing and beautiful. You might have to tell aunt mary how to follow this blog..I would enjoy reading and being inspired by it!

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