Easter Celebrations


Happy Easter! This was the first Easter I spent at home in three years and I had a wonderful time being with my family and capturing our Easter traditions. My family was excited to have me home again so I could make them my classic homemade Easter cinnamon rolls. (These things are literally the most amazing, delicious things ever. I could eat them forever. And they really are not that complicated to make either. I just follow this recipe.)

We always go to the Easter Vigil the night before so we have a huge Easter brunch every Easter morning. This year my dad decided he wanted to make his traditional egg casserole “extra fluffy”. The result was too funny.

Most of the Anthony side of our family live in the same area as us so they came over for the day. This meant lots of Grandma cuddles, cousin time, and laughter.

These two are seven months apart and the best of friends, it’s so cute.

Lucy is our little natural-born comedian. She seriously makes us laugh every single day.

It was an absolutely glorious Easter Sunday which meant all the kids played outside most of the day. While the little girls climbed trees and played in the flowers, the bigger cousins were playing an intense game of soccer in the backyard.

Later in the afternoon it was time for the traditional Easter egg hunt! The teenage boys hid the eggs all over our acre of land and then the rest of the younger cousins went crazy hunting the whole yard for the eggs.

My mom looking so cute in her purple cardigan!

Grandma found an egg without even having to move from her chair.

The teenage boys had fun hiding eggs all over the cars (we did have to tell them that hiding eggs in the exhaust pipes of our cars is not a good idea for the future).

I think I’ll share a separate post just about the desserts I made for Easter (especially the THM ones) but these photos are too pretty not to share now. This is a sugar-free, low-carb THM S lemon cream pie. I sadly can’t give you a link to the recipe because it’s in this THM cookbook but I can tell you that it is absolutely delicious.

And these are sugar-free, low-carb, THM S lemon bars that I found on this blog. Also super delicious.

Our Easter celebrations ended with singing Happy Birthday to our dear Grandma Anthony who celebrated her birthday just days before Easter.

I had to include the following pictures that I captured on my phone Saturday night. It had rained for large parts of Good Friday and then this was the sky that greeted us on our way to the Easter Vigil. These pictures really don’t even begin to give this sunset justice.

I hope you all had a wonderful Easter with your loved ones!

Mary Kate


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